Wednesday, June 20, 2018

The story Matariki

 There was once a great and Strong man called Mēta that lived with his brothers in Aotearoa.He was the youngest brother of all of them.His Koro raised him like his own son.Koro taught Mēta Everything he knew.His brothers were strong and will stand up to anything even if it came to danger or harm.Mēta could shapeshift into a kereru.But no one knew only his brothers and Koro.They saw 7 sisters nearby and their names were Tupu-ā-nuku, Tupu-ā-rangi, Waipuna Rangi, Waitī and Waitā, and Ururangi.And there was a boy and his brothers who saw these beautiful woman and they walked up to the woman and fell instantly in love. The men thought the girls were beautiful. So they asked the woman if they wanted to come with them to their village so they said yes please and they went with the brothers.they woke up one early night from the sisters beautiful singing voices.The sisters were just doing that so they can get their attention to bring them food and nice fresh water.The brothers were like slaves to them.When the boys were getting kai for the sisters. The sisters were planning a trap on them so they can steal all of their Tāunga. It was A big sturdy cage that Would hold all the brothers in it. Suddenly the Brothers returned and were ready to go to sleep so the wives snatched the kai out of their hands and put it away
  Half way through the night the wives woke up and taped the brothers mouths shut and stuffed them in the cage. When the brothers woke up they were very confused but then they noticed what happened. Mēta was looking all over for his brothers but he couldn’t find them so he went to his koro and had a little kōrero with him.Koro said “I don’t know where your brothers are so I think It’s something to do with the girls?.Turn into a Kereru and fly and see what's up and also take this rope if something happens”.So Mēta went off to find them. Then he saw them stuck in a cage. “My brothers what happened”yelled Mēta. “It was the girls they have given us nothing but harm”        “I will go look for them and send them Far Far Far away so don’t worry”cried Mēta.Mēta can see them like a couple of miles away.The wahine are sprinting as fast as they can.Mēta gets 5 sisters but not 7.1 of them trips over and Mē just needs one to get he gets the last sister now he is going to send them far away up in the sky near the heavens.And that's how Matariki began.

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